Legal documents


Legislative framework in the Czech Republic

Law no. 373/2011 Sb. on specific health services, in its current version, stipulates that during artificial fertilization of a woman, it is possible to use gametes donated by an anonymous donor – a female donor. The anonymous donor must have reached the age of 18 and not exceed the age of 35, she must have full legal capacity.

The service provider having the right to carry out the methods and processes of assisted reproduction is required to maintain reciprocal anonymity of the donor and the recipient couple and of anonymity between the child resulting from the donation of gametes (IVF) and the donor.

The service provider who carried out the health capacity assessment of the anonymous donor is required to keep the data for 30 years following the artificial fertilization carried out and on the basis of a request to provide the infertile couple or the person born of assisted reproduction information concerning the health status of the anonymous donor.

The donor cannot assert any financial or other claim in return for the collection of the gametes. The service provider reimburses the anonymous donor only for the expenses actually incurred and justified for the gamete donation.

Authorization from the National Institute for Drug Control (English)

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