Common Myths About Infertility: Facts vs. Fiction

13. 10. 2024

Infertility is often surrounded by myths that cause unnecessary stress for couples trying to conceive. Let’s debunk some of the most common myths:

1. Infertility is always the woman’s issue

This is one of the most widespread misconceptions. The truth is that infertility affects both men and women. In fact, in 30–40% of cases, the problem lies with the man. Sperm quality, count, and motility play a crucial role in conception. Therefore, infertility is not solely a woman’s issue, and both partners should be evaluated if there are challenges in conceiving.

2. If you’ve had one child, infertility can’t affect you

Many people believe that once they have successfully conceived, they won’t encounter infertility issues in the future. However, secondary infertility, where a couple struggles to conceive a second child, is more common than many think. This could be due to changes in reproductive health, aging, hormonal shifts, or new medical issues that have arisen since the first pregnancy. It’s important not to delay seeking medical help if difficulties arise in conceiving another child.

3. Fertility is only affected by the woman’s age

While age is undoubtedly a key factor for women, it also affects men’s fertility. After the age of 40, sperm quality declines. Their motility decreases, making it more challenging to fertilize an egg. Older men are also more likely to face genetic abnormalities in their sperm, increasing the risk of genetic disorders in offspring.

4. Infertility cannot be treated

Another myth that needlessly worries couples is that infertility is incurable. Modern medicine has made significant advancements in treating infertility. Technologies like IVF (in vitro fertilization), ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), and genetic embryo testing allow couples who might not have had any chance before to achieve a successful pregnancy. Infertility treatment requires an individualized approach, which is why it’s essential to work with experts who can design a personalized treatment plan.

5. Stress is the main cause of infertility

While stress can have negative impacts on our health and fertility, it is not the primary cause of infertility. Infertility is usually caused by more complex issues, such as genetic factors, hormonal imbalances, structural abnormalities, or other medical complications. Stress can exacerbate symptoms, but it is not the root cause. Therefore, don’t wait for “perfect conditions” to conceive—start seeking help to consult a specialist if there are any difficulties.

6. A healthy lifestyle automatically ensures fertility

Although a healthy lifestyle significantly contributes to overall health and fertility, it is not a guarantee that there will be no problems conceiving. Infertility can stem from various factors, including genetic or hormonal issues, which cannot be resolved by diet or exercise alone. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can support fertility treatments and improve overall results.

7. Assisted reproduction always leads to multiple pregnancies

Many people believe that assisted reproduction techniques like IVF automatically result in twins or triplets. Thanks to advancements in embryo development and genetic testing, doctors now implant only one embryo with the highest chance of success. This has significantly reduced the number of multiple pregnancies while improving the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy.

Infertility is a complex issue, often surrounded by misleading myths. At Stellart Clinic, we specialize in modern treatments and expert care that dispel these myths and offer real solutions. If you have concerns or questions about your fertility, reach out to our specialists. We’re here to help you on your journey to parenthood.

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